nobody should have a “serious” relationship on high school.
nobody should have a “serious” relationship on high school.
“Can’t we all be mature” says the immature jealous person trying to control their friends and prevent them from having mature adult relationships.
Let’s talk about the guy who’s dead rather than the guy who’s alive and well, and still gets invited to Democratic events?
Men: doing the bare fucking minimum since about five minutes ago and thinking they should get a Nobel Peace Prize for it.
I was so eager to let Jeffrey know that he was supported in his attempt to learn, grow and apologize that I completely underestimated the feelings of the victim, another person I deeply love.
Bateman’s conflict avoidant mansplaining apologia is unfortunately super familiar to me. So is his humble heartfelt apology. And so is the part when a week, a month, a year from now he says or does some other shit that makes it perfectly clear he didn’t learn nearly as much from this as he’ll give himself credit for.
Fuck Bateman and the rest of the AD dudes. They showed the world what they’re like when they’re together and how they dismiss and talk over their women coworkers. True colours.
“I was so busy maintaining the status quo that I forgot to remember that women matter.”
“I have kind of held it in for a long time, because in a weird way, I wanted to protect the franchise.”
I have never in my life been given anything by a massage therapist beyond a bottle of water.
I work in a place where a majority of our customers are men. They are from all across the economic spectrum, and from all over the world. One of the most annoying things about my job is dealing the men who are not used to being friends with women. I smile, ask how their day is going, and inquire about how their…
Definitely agree that no woman (or man, for that matter) is responsible for her partner’s behavior, however, I do feel like your reaction/acceptance of certain behavior speaks a lot about you. It appears from her statement that she was aware of his destructive tendencies and chose to end the relationship in part…
It’s not parents in general or moms. Men have to solve this problem. Men have to stop paying MRAs and PUAs to tell them they are entitled to love/sex. Men have to loudly reject people like Jordan Peterson when they state sex is the only thing preventing them from going berserk on humanity. Men have to talk to their…
Women don’t owe you shit.
Yup. I got the “you need to repent” line after disclosing my rape and that was basically it for me. I am happy I am out now, but it was super psychologically damaging and painful.
“Oh god! There’s a cat in that burning building!....... Ah! I know what to do!” *Throws another cat into burning building* “Now they won’t be alone.”
I just signed my daughter up for self defense. She will be taking it until she graduates and moves out if I have anything to say about it. Hopefully the world is changing and she’ll never need to protect herself from a man, but if she does (let’s get real, she will), she’ll be slightly more prepared. Put your…
he published a book called Straight James/Gay James, which included musings about identity and sexuality, including lines like, “Hello woman, I’d like to be you./Not because I don’t enjoy my own man/ Body, my man strength, my man looks, / My man mind, but because I love yours/Even more.”
This is exactly what I think is often what’s really happening in these relationships where the sex is barely there. Asexuality exists but I doubt it’s nearly as common as being turned into a beard without your consent. All this talk of how you won’t worry about sex when you’re worn and sick is unrealistic. Most of the…