
Seriously, is there a company that actively works to piss off its fans as much as Square Enix? What an awful thing to do.

Found him!

The short stories alone make the game worth playing.

Nobody's saying a thing about Disgaea 5. It's coming out next year, and I'm anticipating its release.

It was recently the 10th anniversary of Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. I've been slowly playing through that gem and should be done soon. After that, it's on to Fantasy Life.

As a kid, I hated JRPGs because I hated Final Fantasy and didn't know there was anything else. Nowadays, it seems that JRPGs are the only

"We can't stop here. This is adamantoise country!"

Wow. Looks incredible. I love the ending, with the FF arpeggio playing and Noctis saying "It's been a long time coming. Almost there." SURE HOPE SO.

Now playing

Track: Zero-Sum | Artist: Nine Inch Nails | Album: Year Zero

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video fail for not using Danger Zone as the background music.


I feel like you should be able to talk to any of your registered friends while racing. I really hope they let people chat while playing Smash online, at least in the Wii U version.

This makes me miss Hayter even more. It's just not the same with Snake Bauer.