Actually, she looks more like Regina from Dino Crisis to me.
@Trasken: It's pretty bad, but I will still maintain some rays of optimism for what they "could" release in the future. However, there is one game that, if released as a "classic," will leave me with no choice but to declare Sony the official shit factory of the video game biz...
"We know we have the best NBA video game ever made here,"
Sony, I think I may have figured out why the PSP Go is having so much trouble actually being a legit platform... not that its any secret. Please consider this business model:
@noine: Yeah, it definitely holds a special place in my heart too.
@battra92: You do raise a valid point, but for some of us it is also about portability. I have both a PS3 and a PSP. While it is fun to play backwards compatible games on the PS3, the majority of my PSone purchases on PSN are played on my PSP while I am traveling or in a waiting room. Maybe it isn't complete…
And then sometimes no one needs to make fun of Nintendo... they can kind of bring it on themselves in an attempt to discredit the competition:
But can it run Crysis on six different monitors? :P
Too bad Soulja Boy did "run out of going back in time potion" otherwise he could just press X and be back to the time before he was famous so he could go to college without the fear of being mauled by adoring fans.