
I only see selfishness in this act...

hm... still 23000 views of this article...

[drunk comment removed]

I agree with you...

yeah thats a big lack of info... tried to find them and couldnt anywhere... :\

i thought it sucked.. but couldn't stop watching because I wanted to know what was gonna happen.... then nothing... wtf

sucks for those employees but at least Rim is doing something.... I remember that there was an article saying that projects were slow because of communication problems between departments... The problem here I think could be from employees that are not perfectly fit for the job(anymore?) which are sometimes long time

I don't really understand your average number.

Interesting story... crazy how this can make such a difference on your blood

I don't think that is how you should you the corrections tag

why is there music on top of tv sound... ? that makes it terrible to watch

I've never heard of that 0.999... number before... never been very far in math after high school but wouldnt saying that 0.999... = 1 mean that infinitely small doesnt exist? I don't like it

the only thing is that you wont get the same sound quality at all... ipod is far from being the best :\

hm, uh... I meant... just a waist in size? nah cant find anything

I had a face to face accident with a cop 10 years ago, the car was totaled but I walked out without a scratches

We don't know the result yet, so maybe Apple will try to slap the Bully but will walk on his own foot and fall ridiculously.

Please, at least put rechargeable batteries... this is just a waist considering its good for only 2 hours

lol didnt notice until you say so... that sounds just terrible...

where is this terrible place where you can cut down a tree at 2am for 10min without anybody reacting?

do you live in one of those states that you can attack/kill people on your property? if not i'm not sure how good that would result to attack someone who had not attack you first