
I hate people like you.

don't play any of those.

I wanna go back in time and kill the who ever was going to give birth to Kickstarter.

Sorry not everyone wants to share in your delusion.

who is to blame for this whole crowd funding bullshit?

this is why I haven't given a penny to Kickstarter.

Farcy1 at the time was the best sp shooter for me since hl1/2
Also back then the graphics were down right gorgeous.

I think more than a breakdown of the audience percentages Jezebel should have looked at who it is that is making the movies,like are the majority of Producers and script authors male or female?

so what's your guys's setup?
I'm using a Filipino Ibaloi and a U.S made Patriot.
I'm too lazy to do my own builds so I let my local shop do it for me^^

so....can I get these on my new xbox one?
pretty sure I can't but I figured I'd just ask.

500 Internal server error as well,are they just overloaded?

502 gateway error when I log :-\

movie looks like alota fun.

why is this pleb still making games?

am i the only person on this planet who grew out of liking Zelda,Sonic and Mario?

damn it stop making sense!

I'm almost certain bestbuy will pricematch this.

I'd like to remind people that BestBuy price matches amazon.

Any denizens here?

Now playing

I still think the first ED from Attack on Titan is the best ED since Ghost in the Shell.