
mao is dead?'s trashy as hell.

are you effing serious?

leave it to Gawker to suck up this shit like candy.

on a non related note, remember how Kotaku ran a article right before E3 on how EA was getting rid of the $10 online passes,and everyone at the time figured they did it out of good will?
and bam E3 hits and M$ says used games are a no go...a month later and they change they're minds.I bet EA is hating themselves imo

it ain't that bad...we go there after hikes in the Hollywood hills or Asuza.

it's not okay according to who?
Internet Tumblr Femnazis?

it's white bloggers that write these stories.

there's nothing "italian" about her, same goes for all these Jersey types, My Italian friends back in germany get mad as fuck everytime jersey shore comes up.

speaking of Urkel,I met his "friend" Waldo at work the other day.He seemed a little embarrassed when me and my co-worker recognized him.

could be better.

I lost 60 pounds since late last year and I gotta say nothing beats daily cardio for an's boring as fuck but burning through a 1000 cal. every day means that at least for dinner you can something from take out,I still don't eat burgers but I love thai,greek and vietnamese. for lunch I have a lean cuisine and

these lists are pretty insulting....

Are some people really dumb enough to believe that a Newspaper from SanFran with it's huge Asian Community would this on purpose?

You didn't "shut me down"

um no not really,I didn't really gain weight til I moved here in 05.

um no not really,I didn't really gain weight til I moved here in 05.

well said.

seeing how you are a frequent poster here, I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.