
If it got a couple extra dollars at auction because it looked clean, that is a couple less dollars that they would be chasing you for.

Once in my early 20s, I had a car repo’d.

A neighbor of mine had a similar thing happen - he lost both eyebrow for a while before they grew back. Turns out that gasoline is both really good as a solvent and not such a good thing with a backfiring engine. Ah - the good old days of leaning over a carburetor and having it belch fire.

Okay taking bets now - what Italian brand was the offending vehicle?

hmmmmmmm, more spittle from gawker.... ‘An independent review conducted by an AllSides staff member in April 2020 concluded that while Gizmodo primarily focuses on technology/science news and developments, it sometimes does so with a left-leaning slant.

Let’s get a team out there to find out where that star has been for the last few years.

It’s some kind of reflex. Whenever something newsworthy happens in that family, there are always people here in the USA who crab about the coverage, reminding us (in case we didn’t know) that “We fought a revolution to get away from these people! Stop paying attention to them!”

I have to guess she knew women from his country didn’t drive

“turns it into a toxic wasteland”

out of all fairness tho, if they can continue to pump these low cost, simple, utilitarian vehicles, in this current insanely inflated market. I feel like they’re going to continue to sell every single darn unit they produce.

My local Ford dealer doesn’t have a single Maverick on their lot!

Those are reasons why those commenters wouldn’t buy it, not the general public. I don’t want it because of the tiny little bed but could understand why it’s so damn popular.

What about dickass pads and rotors??

No Hummers, either? Or just combine them all

Attention, manufacturers:

Just walk away 

Since we’re comparing Grandmothers - my American Grandma shot a man on the side of the road in the central valley back in the 30s. Apparently her and a friend were hitchhiking, caught a ride with a man, and when he started following them on foot after dropping them at the side of the road they realized his intentions

I used to be all about flipping people off if they tailgated me or cut me off, etc. Now I just let things roll because in the last 30-ish years since I got my license road rage has gone from getting the bird back at you to this kind of shit. Ain’t worth it. Let the other idiot think they win - at least you can walk

Your grandma sounds like a badass.

He looked like a total badass. The control of his weapon points to adequate training. Glad he’s armed and spraying our highways for justice.