
‘Jeeves, have you seen my pen’?

But we hardly know each other!

<raises hand>

God, I love dash-cam videos.

Huh. Don’t remember these but looks a little like the grandfather to the Honda e.

A bus for under 5 grand?

Wow. This gave me goosebumps to watch.

I’m 57 yo and still recall being impressed when MFR’s consistently hit 100 horsepower per liter. Output per liter today is astounding to say the least.

Terrific security on the subway system! 750 possible incidents?

I'm 57 (is that older?) And you nailed it. Love my '16. Quieter and better seats than my wife's Outback. And with winter tires crawls through everything Midwest winter's have thrown at it. Ingress and egress nice for creaky joints. And been trouble free for 30k miles. 

Back in 94, I purchased my first new vehicle, a Ford Ranger.


If you were forced to, could you charge this using a portable generator? 

I damn near pissed myself laughing over ‘ensemble of hokey ruffians’. Thanks for that.

Hope Mazda doesn’t notice the exterior similarities to their CX5.

That is one of 2 reasons we sold our ‘15 Outback. Had shit seats and too noisy to hold conversation at highway speeds. Replaced with Transit Connect Wagon LWB. So far it’s been a great (van?) for the $.

I put these on my Kia Soul and can out-accelerate and out-brake my wife’s Outback (all weather Bridgestone) on snow

Is that a GL 650 in the background?

Be sure that platelets, hemoglobin and white counts are listed and compared to ‘norms’. I’m not a medical professional, but I’ve dealt with this condition long enough to know that easy bruising is never something to ignore. Get multiple opinions. Took me 3 doctors and 8 weeks just to get diagnosed.

Great point. Trucks are highly visible on our roadways. As moss-backed as trucking firms can be, I’m sure they can appreciate the visual ‘wow’ factor of Tesla’s tractor. Hard to not see them as futuristic and forward-looking and that has to be worth a bunch of PR dollars to any company that has their name on the