
The origin of the Honda ten speed is that Honda customers couldn't agree on a bike with shorter gearing for more torque, or tall gearing for crusing, so Honda gave them both.

Maybe this wouldn't work everywhere, but in the right setting a self driving car would be perfect for mail delivery. All it'd have to do is follow the lines of the street and stop at mailboxes.

An acquaintance of mine that I found very attractive approached me and said she wanted to have my baby.

Evan: Win!

37,000+ people disagree with your last sentence. Me included.

For reasons I can't quite put my finger on, it looks...backwards. Like the bed should be the hood.

Well, nothing left to do except loot liquor and electronic stores because, you know, protest.

And you sure would be thin. Raisin-like in fact!

And then they ate it.

I made the mistake of having my back waxed about 10 years ago. Bled so much it ruined a shirt. Growing back was a fucking itchy nightmare. Waterboard terrorists? Ha. WAX those hirsute bastards instead.

I found this when looking for the definition of 'draconian'.

Cheers erupting from this Boomer bleacher section.

PC bullshit.


And Olbermann would know what it feels like to be a degraded woman.

As one who sits in a cube and collects a static paycheck, I hate having to agree with you. But I do agree with you.

'Chicken Run' meets 'The Terminator'.

I'm not necessarily pro-government, but this operator/pilot is putting everyone on the ground (or even in buildings) at risk if this thing goes wrong. And I don't care how experienced the operator or how well maintained this UAV might be, shit CAN go wrong.
