
I realize this is not science by any measure but you can’t necessarily assume that the results are because Overwatch users are “mostly straight guys” as much as you can assume the bias exists because Pornhub users are “mostly straight guys”

This is just basic economics with consumerism. When something gets popular there’s a boom followed by a drop and a leveling off. It happens in all mediums.

I’m sorry.. can we not like treat every piece of media like we need to right a thesis on it for gender studies class? Can we leave that maybe in gender studies class? I happen to be gay and not ten years ago it was impossible to find any representation. Do I expect ANY form of media to flawlessly defy centuries of

What does any of their backstory have to do with the first person shooter? That’s I assume why no one’s backstory is crammed into the game to much and why all of it is in the back channel stuff for the people who you’re interested. It’s just about giving characters and detail. Also I’d like to point out that it’s

I’m sorry but I have an innate ‘let me roll my eyes at this’ reaction to any sort of Youtuber gripe. I doubt this conspiracy theory is true people can often look at science/statistics/logic and shrug them off for what they FEEL is actually true. They can genuinely and doggedly stick to false hunches beyond any

He looks fabulous and I love it.

In general I suspect the people who obsess over fandoms to the point where they harass people online/or constantly demand things from creators are a very small part of the actual audience. I’m sure that proportion vary but if theri desire is intense enough to act irrationally they’re certainly not above making 20