
Freixenet is a cava that seems to be widely available.

I thought surely I could find a photo of Shatner decorated with rainbows and glitter as proof of his true self, but to no avail. I guess it’s just one of those times you know it when you see it. ;)

Yeah, I guess what I was trying to say is that it’s not common, but it also feels like you don’t have to be some magical unicorn for it to happen.

This seems not true. Using the show Brendon was on, Alyson Hannigan went on to How I Met Your Mother and David Boreanz got his spin-off Angel and is Bones.

You know, I seem to recall a thread that I read hear on Jezebel with someone saying they got along well with their massage therapist and was wondering if it would be weird to ask the person to hang out. Some people said they thought it might be weird, but I think the massage therapist ended up offering their number to

Mostly through Not sure if there’s an English version/equivalent. The standard advice is to sign up for some classes/activities that interest you. I keep meaning to do that but haven’t yet. Perhaps I should go research some activities instead of complaining about being lame on SNS. ;)

It sucks. I’m in the same situation, and it sucks. :(

It’s rough. The husband and I chose to move to a new state, where we didn’t know anyone, about 11 months ago. We’re both self-employed so we don’t even have coworkers. And like Melissamachete we’re both somewhat awkward. Slowly but surely we’re meeting people though. The homesickness is a tough one though. I’m not

I would just like to say A+ post image.

I look forward to it. :)

With those criteria it would seem a professional is the way to go. A professional will be better able to anticipate and capture those moments. Also, if you do hire a professional, you need to communicate that these are your priorities. (I’m assuming they will ask, but the more clearly you can tell them what you want,

I would think therapy is the way to go. That sounds like a pretty revelatory moment. A rape crisis center sounds like a good start, they could probably connect you to therapists/psychologists/programs specifically addressing rape and its aftermath.

Yeah seriously, that sandwich sounds amazing.

I will look into this. Also, if anyone wants to recommend other good books about female anatomy/sexuality, I would love a list of suggestions.

I often find myself super frustrated at how not good I am at whatever new endeavor I’m undertaking. I just kind of expect myself to be awesome at it for no reason whatsoever. So yeah, I feel ya. Hang in there. You’re doing it. Sewing is on my (long) list of things to try, half of which I’ll probably never get around

This is obviously a very personal thing. We didn’t even hire a “professional” photographer for our wedding. We hired a friend of my mom’s who was good at photography. They are not the same quality as a professional, but still very good. But, this is maybe the most important part, we never look at our wedding photos. I

You are not awful. All the above replies are on point. I second all of them. It is perfectly normal/fine/ok for you to feel this way. Figure out ways to get help.

That’s very sad. Talk to her and find out what she’s comfortable with. My MIL has been fighting cancer on and off for 4 years now. She sometimes doesn’t share things and/or has certain “rules” that make other members of the family the unhappy, but at the end of the day, she’s the one dealing with it. So find out how

I love stories with a happy ending. Congrats! Also, yes, that is a super cute dress.