
Thanks, that's another good suggestion. Finding a freelance job seems tricky, but maybe it's not? I should certainly look into it.

This is maybe not exactly what you want to hear, but I still wish we had eloped.

Congrats on the new(ish) blog! I find it helps to have a posting schedule. That way you know you have to write something. It forces you to be serious about it.

Exciting! I hope it goes well.

I love instant noodles. They are horrible for you, and have so much salt, and I'm perfectly capable of making something healthier, but I still eat them on a weekly basis.

Mostly money, I don't like that I'm entirely reliant on my husband to support me. It's just not a smart place to be. (I should note I have zero reason to believe he's going to leave me.)

I'm not sure. I will definitely keep up the blog, since that is the main way I promote my book. My main goal is have a job with a salary that I feel I could support myself if I needed to. I don't like the feeling that I'm sponging off of my husband.

Very jealous. Sounds much better than the take-out pizza I'm about to have.

Wow, yikes. Sending positive thoughts your way.

I think this is one of those times you repeatedly remind yourself that the special hemorrhoid doctor looks at people's butts all day. And try to think how much better you'll feel to actually have the issue fixed.

A similar suggestion was made above. It's definitely something I need to think about. For some reason, actually cooking food that people would pay me for really freaks me out. Also, I'm kind of hoping for a job that would produce enough income that I could support myself, and it'd be pretty iffy with a job like that.

Sounds like a keeper!

I'm self-published, so there was no one stopping me. I just had to do the work.

I had pondered doing that years ago. Somehow I forgot about it. I'll definitely have to add it to my list of possibilities.

Wise Jezzies I need career help. I write a food blog. I quit my full-time job a few years ago, and started to write a cookbook. (These were somewhat independent decisions. I definitely needed to leave that job.) The cookbook was released in Nov. and I need to decide my next career move. I'm completely at a loss on how

It's a very frustrating/weird situation. As numerous people have said upthread, society as a whole is safer, so who's pushing this hyper-vigilance?

I'm close to you in age, and you know what's even weirder the more I sit here and think about it. Our generation gets tons of flack for being coddled and self-centered. What the hell happens when this generation becomes adults?

So, no one else is gonna call Dax Shepherd out on being "scarred for life" at having seen a C-section but not having to undergo a C-section?

Well, according to Google Image Search. Or maybe ElizabethImbrie meant something else entirely. In which case, we revert back to your Tina gif.

Pretty sure the lady in the silver outfit is your "Fat Lady in Space."