
damn man, sweet rig. You should be able to max out nearly every game on the market. Welcome to the dark side of PC gaming! Take advantage of steam sales!

I too find that impressive

There was an interesting paper I read on this that suggested that the anti-depressants don't necessarily cause suicidal thoughts but merely rid the person of the fog that the depression was otherwise causing which gives the person that moment of clarity where they can finally make the decision of whether or not they

Depression is a chemical imbalance and a real illness. Don't fool yourself into thinking it's merely an "emotional problem".

Haha, so true.

yup, it's just all one big conspiracy /sarcasm

The game is great, but are you really praising this games graphics? IMO that was one of the less impressive parts of the game.

2,800$ just to be able to play a game is exactly why you don't bother with overpriced laptop manufacturers and why you should just buy desktop components individually and assemble it yourself.

Yes because this was definitely abuse and not some light hearted fun that his son will probably now have as a keepsake for the rest of his life.

What is that supposed to mean?

If you don't think there is a difference between Quake and CoD's speed you are delusional or highly misinformed.

If there's two people in the industry that I could listen to forever (okay maybe not forever) it's Carmack and Gabe Newell. Both are extremely intelligent and honest at the same time. We have Gabe as the genius in design and we have Carmack as the genius on everything technical (programming, graphics). Both of them

Or they realized that the shocklance was a useless weapon and that they might as well streamline the meeleing across all weapons.

Kotaku, hacking was a poor choice of words. In everyone's minds, hacking is a very network related task (which it is) so you just made it sound like this man was the one who hacked into the PS3's internal network.

The song in the game that you embedded has to be the most awesome thing I've ever listened to.

only 800 msp?

Someone once said that the key to happiness was low expectations. I think it was in a TED talk or something.

@Assalitore: trying to cover up something of that nature seems so trivial with motives that would seem obscure even for the most practiced conspiracy theorist. He was (is) such a non-factor in the current war on terror that this victory is more symbolic than anything. The thing about Alqueada is that it doesn't need a

@rebeldevil: Thing is, if our species dies from getting invaded by aliens, I wouldn't even care because THAT WOULD BE THE COOLEST FUCKING WAY TO DIE EVER. I think if we got to witness a hyper intelligent civilization I would just shit myself in awe and not even care what they do with their conquering and probing and

Could someone shed some light on what keeps the players from looking at the big screen behind them (which could give away what either team was doing) as well as hearing the commentators? I'm a bit confused.