Too Hip, Gotta Go

For the first few years I saw these, they always registered as hearses and I often thot: “Are they late for the funeral?” cuz they were always zooming.

Yeah, I miss my ’87 Si a lot. It was fast as hell. And it could also hold everything a family of 4 needed for a beach week trip to the Outer Banks. You just had to have tetris-level loading skills.

1963-66 - Similar memories. We were stationed at Luke AFB and dad was liaison to the German AF F-104G training program. Watching these crazy pilots at the Gila Bend gunnery range flying a couple hundred feet off the desert approaching mach 1 was exhilarating. I still believe the 104 to be the most beautiful fighter

Because the main driving force behind what is stolen has nothing to do with taste, or horsepower, or coolness ... it’s about the replacement parts. Always has been, always will be. It’s the chop-shops. That’s why it’s always the best-selling cars that dominate the lists forever — Cutlasses, Camrys, Accords, F-150s --

Dad was stationed at Eielson AFB in Alaska in ’56-’60. We lived between the base and Fairbanks at a place called 12 mile point, which was then a wide spot on the highway with a bar and maybe a dozen houses behind it. The road to the base went through an area I remember was called Moose Creek, a marshy area filthy

Don’t feel bad; you weren’t the only one. I had to read it twice, too.

I’ll stand next to you. Besides entertaining, it’s one of the few (maybe the only?) Nic Cage movies where he doesn’t overact his ass off.

Way back when I was doing the occasional “Wheels” column for the local paper, I remember writing that the end of the world would be cockroaches feasting on Twinkies and driving slant-6 Dodge Darts. I’m not wrong. I owned a total of 4 different Darts in my time in Southern California. Why? Because all my other cars

Oh man, I haven’t seen a well-played “that’s what she said ...” in a while. Thanks for a very good laugh.

Even my larger TR3s, I could reach back and touch the center of the knockoff. It helped that the cutaway door was more aspirational than protective, of course.

Right? Plus, let’s be real. $200B is the vigorish that needed to be squandered to get the bill passed. Hell, even the Grim Reaper Mitch McConnell had to hold his nose, but still crossed the aisle because he knows bringing home the bacon to Kentucky may not fix many roads there but it sure as hell helps fix any

I recall those red numbers with the kitten heels were referred to as “kicky” and worn by babes who were perhaps open to a good time.

Yeah, honestly. It should have been BRG if you’re going to go green.

Mercedes, you gotta find an actuary. I can’t wait for the insurance companies to wade into this. I’m sure the threat of one of these falling onto unsuspecting live things and buildings and vehicles could make for some pretty hefty rates.

US 50 — ocean to ocean through the midriff of America. Did it once back in ’83, in an XKE (yeah, I was much younger and much less smart), with my GF at the time. But San Fran, The Loneliest Road in America, alot alot of Murica, all the way to Ocean City, Maryland. It really was glorious. The Jag ran flawlessly, too

Italics would have helped. It’s always difficult to convey an alternative emphasis on written words without offsetting them visually. Also: Hyphens, like commas, are our friends. Both make understanding easier.

Sorry if I came across that I was dunking on you. Wasn’t my thot. I understand what you’re saying and agree that society and law enforcement seem to be eagerly embracing the Minority Report premise of pre-crime guilt. Also: Thanks for taking me out of the grays. I don’t get out of the Pending limbo enough.

Hi. I ordered an ’08 smart. And while I did get an automatic, I can tell you that I have only driven it using the paddle shifters. Maybe it was all those years of practice pushing British cars to the wall, but I find the transmission just fine if you don’t get squeamish about high revs and use them as shift points,

In the 1985 follow-up article, Phil dug in even further, basically: don’t tell people to not do a bad thing ... instead, teach them how to do a bad thing correctly. His quote:

Subliminal Seduction! Well-referenced, sir.