Too Hip, Gotta Go

Back in the 70s, I drove 3 different slant-6 Darts (cuz they were cheap even back in the day of low-pay journalism jobs. I blew 2 of them up because of the crappy cooling system in the SoCal high-desert heat. But I still respect the engines. I used to say that at the end of the world, it would be giant cockroaches

Hey, as a former news guy, this looks like you all have gone past the getting hard stage about the GR, and into just plain hard sell territory. This is your hompage a few minutes ago. Bonus point for the 4th Toyota story on Hybrids.

Looking at your foto, I did what I always do when looking at the engine of whichever British car I was driving that had just inexplicably stopped — I squinted and zeroed in on the shiniest spots. Cuz, other than the belt pullies, there is never anything shiny except something that is now out of place, or broken, or

Now playing

Seems that a model kit was produced. There are a few very short bids on youtube.

Ha. Then we should assume there’s probably also a 2501 FoMoCo Panther-bodied gravity-defying cruiser in game.

Jason, did they ever try anything with the Triumph Stag? At least that would have been much more sporty and quick. 

So, just to be clear, NHTSA’s NCAP crash test ratings have zero regulatory impact on any vehicle maker. The purpose of the crash testing is to encourage manufacturers to build safer vehicles and consumers to buy them. It’s no different that what Consumer Reports does. It’s a cross between an incentive and a shaming

While I agree with you on the capitalism take (and please don’t forget lawyers), there is no “federally approved drive assist system” in vehicles. In fact, there really isn’t very much “federally approved” anything in cars and big-rigs, or passenger airplanes for that matter. The regulating agencies — NHTSA, FAA,

No matter what you’re peddling, fear sells the the fastest and the bestest. Just look at the current reality of political campaigns and advertising.

Damn those pesky truth in advertising laws!

963 Dodge 440 4-door (car like the exact car above) . Dad bought it two-years used in Arizona after our ’56 Bel-Air was stolen and crashed. I learned to drive in it the year dad was in ‘Nam. Then he shipped it to the Philippines when he was transferred to Clark AB in ’66. It was a beast and a blast to drive, but I

I did LOL — out loud — a lot. But the nagging thought is that the French were soooo not going to be happy and would be farting in our general direction.

OK, I had to scroll back up to see the photo, and damn! if you didn’t nail it. I totally LOL-ed, out loud. It’s brilliant. Hat’s off.

Because, based on his eclectic automotive choices, Torch clearly is also from another galaxy, and he doesn’t want to bring attention to that.

Sorry, but an ad campaign with successful old men and young girls who may or may not be their daughters ... with phrases such as “pride takes many forms,” “break with tradition,” “measure of prestige” ... this is Jeffrey Epstein level creepy.

I have an E and I completely agree. I had an up-close look at a 2000GT at Clark Air Base in 1968. I was a senior in high school and thought I was the shits tooling around the base in my English teacher’s yellow Karmann-Ghia when this red one pulled up to my right. I was already three years into my lust for E-Types,

I take it a step further. I don’t use toast, just spongy white bread. Likewise, I eat all the white and bread until I’m left with just the yolk ball on a small circle of bread. Then I gently scoop up the bread, tilt back my head, and plop it into my mouth. Closing the mouth makes for a yummy yoke bomb. Only caveat:

Damn, so very jealous about the AH. I think it and the AC Ace are the only legitimate candidates to illustrate “sports car” in the dictionary. 

I bought my forever car in 1969 — a 1956 TR3. Like all British cars, it also is a forever project car. And I will admit that the Spit is much more attractive than the toad-like 3. 

You know, I just wish the dickless diaspora that makes up the RepubliConfederacy would man up, get out of the closet where they store their KKK cosplay garb, and just proudly name their next project: BIGOT.