
I completely agree. Open World games will tend to have a quest marker that shows up on your map or HUD, and all I can ever think of when I see it is, “avoid that area until I’ve completely scoured everything else I can first.” After a while, you start to forget there was probably some kind of urgency to your mission.

Thinner and lighter works for many people, like myself. I don’t like I’m holding something hefty while playing games. I also find that the Playstation controllers in general are more ergonomically comfortable to grip.

That Peebee design almost looks like Looney Toons.

My wife works for the USPS. She has worked in many different areas, from Delivery to Human Resources to Safety. I can absolutely state that they are very much underfunded and understaffed. But they also are a government agency with a Union. People who work for the US Post Office are near impossible to fire once

I used to reroll in games like Puzzle and Dragons and Brave Frontier, but I’ve since learned that gacha games are just carrot on a stick format and that anything I spent hours rerolling for will likely be obsolete in a month when new stuff is released.

I still have a computer from 2005 that has 132 GB Harddrive lol. Data Management is in my wheel house.

And then what of the MMO gamers that request you watch videos of boss kills before attempting them on raids. If you’ve never attempted the fight before, do you have to bend to the whims of the group and possibly “cheat” in order to make sure everyone has a good time?

I named my daughter, Mjrna, after Mjrn from FF12