Too Grey to Function

Totally agree. A nut tap and punch are 2 very different things.

Apologies for my mistake. How do you make a movie about “everybody”? Sounds like there’d be too much going on.

I don’t think he does. But the man puts asses in seats.

Great! You’ve got your subject. How fast can you put together a treatment?

Fine then! Call Denzel Washington and Will Smith. Should MC have listed every minority in Hollywood? Pump the breaks on your outrage train.

Ok, I see.

Who’s story should they make a movie about?

Clover: We can often tell the difference between a person who wants to tell a genuine story and the person who presents the illusion of caring.

So you’re saying Madeleine has low moral fiber? I may disagree with her but I don’t call her morals into question. might want to rethink calling people ‘boy’. Kinda racist.....

I see what you’re saying. I think she is the product of the “patriarchal society” though. She thinks she has to take it (she doesn’t). Also, in the world you describe I would wear a cup 24/7 and fear no nut tap.

How much you want to bet he came up with the Herford line after watching black mirror?

Generalizations are not absolutes. Perhaps you inferred an absolute when I implied a generalization.

I believe, from reading her words, she did not communicate how getting slapped on the ass made her feel until she went 0 to 100 real quick. If you talk to a person and they still continues the behavior you don’t want then by all means swing away. It’s a good article over all. However, I see the Tom interaction as her

Yeah, but the group didn’t think this was sexual assault or even regular assault. It was normal for the group. If getting slapped on the ass by a friend is sexual assault I’ve been sexually assaulted thousands of times.

Thanks for the #NotAllMen. Of course not all. Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

If getting slapped on the ass by a friend is sexual assault I’ve been sexually assaulted thousands of times.

I read the whole thing and she makes some good points. It’s to long to go through the whole thing in the comment section.

Thanks bro!

Who said anything about sacred? Some body parts are more important than others though. I put any reproductive organs over an ass any day.