Too Grey to Function

Perhaps one day men will evolve psychic abilities and know what others are thinking. Until then, the individual conforms to the group not the other way around.

Teens do love to suck on their douche flutes.

Actually more likely to throw up after a shot to the balls. And it’s not how Tom feels, it’s how the group feels. The group deemed her actions inappropriate. If she doesn’t like that she can find a more acceptable way to communicate her feelings or she can leave the group.

Look if you can’t hang you can’t hang. Sucks to suck.

But it is up to me and the group to decide how to react to that reaction. Her reaction was deemed excessive by the group.

Sorry. I’m in a relationship and I don’t cheat. Want me to look you up if I’m ever single?

And yet I get along just fine. Where you trying to tell someone else to ignore me?

Also, good luck to your son in whatever he’s doing after high school.

Nothing from her story indicates that she communicated she felt the “game” was inappropriate until she went for the balls. If she had communicated she was not cool with it and Tom kept going then I’m all for violence. But that is not the story as it was presented.

The spirit is willing. But the flesh is spongy and bruised.

Are you a man and that is how you feel? Or are you a woman that thinks men think that way?

Calvin2032 said it better than I could. Read that response. And I’m not an asshole, I’m a dick.

Didn’t want to call it out but I had the suspicion you never were a part of a male group of friends. It wouldn’t be a fight. He’d grab your ass, you’d punch him in the stomach and it’s over. Everybody laughs, on with our day.

Every guy in a group gets messed with in different ways. If your line gets crossed you have to stand up for yourself but the way you stand up for yourself matters. She could have punched Tom in the gut and everyone would have laughed at Tom. A universal condition of being part of the group is not hitting another guy

You don’t get it. It wasn’t ok for her to kick Tom because those guys viewed her as 1 of the guys. If Tom was a rando it would have been totally fine to go for balls and the other guys would have laughed at Tom. But guys don’t do that to other guys.

Why were you humiliated? And how were they hateful?

I’m going to see Assassin’s Creed. I loved the games.

In the Tom situation: you to hitting him in the balls wasn’t acceptable because you were considered 1 of the guys. Guys don’t do that to each other. You would have been fine to punch him in the gut or slap his ass or mess with him in some other way as long as it didn’t involve hitting another guy in the junk.

Meh, your loss. What movie are you going to see next?

Snoo Snoo is what the Amazons from the Planet of the Amazons on Futurama call sex. That said, the original comment made no sense at all.