
Must have liked the combination of slight overbite with giant nose holes....

What should they do? Synchronized sodomy at center court? Go get your daddy to fist you into oblivion if you’re that worried about it.

What has America come to that the highlights of a sports blog Are stories about rainbow arm bands and Gay pride at baseball games? Really? So sorry that some queers died, but let’s not turn a place for manly discussions into some simpering whine fest just so we can be included.

Are you even married? Two become one.

Just because your wife has pussy whipped you into allowing her to shoot her mouth off, it doesn't mean that real men are buying your beta-male dick-droop medicine. We aren't going to put up with it.

The only downside to your 350 stars is that that means there are 350 people stupid enough to vote for gun control.

It’s actually the gun control people who have blood on their hands. Gun free zones are only gun free until the bad guy shows up doesn’t care about your stupid laws.

Nor is banning the purchase of weapons of war.

That is total bullshit. Quote anyone besides yourself or the usual liberal villains who say prove that.

Ha! U mad bro????

God you're fucking stoopid. God forbid you ever have leadership of something more challenging than the tilt-a-whirl concession....

Yeah. Stay inside givngs each other AIDS, herpes and syphyllis What a buch of fucking drama queens!

You're out of your mind if you think that the NRA membership is for the kind of background checks the left envisages. You're out of touch.

This is an awesome article: truth to power, baby!

Nope. Christianity is the best.

They’re too busy soothing their consciences after fucking little boys and “thighing” little girls to care about the queers. It's a rotten religion.

They’re so unstable during their fast, it would be a mistake to take on work for them. Plus, they’ll just end up thinking they’re better than you anyway. You won’t be someone “helping” them. You'll just be an outsider they can feel superior to.