
No. Civilians are not going to successfully resist the United States military with whatever firearms they have at home. That’s a fantasy. If you have the means and don’t want to live in a fascist dictatorship, it’s time to make a plan to leave the country and be ready to execute it quickly if necessary.

It only gets prosecuted as treason if Biden ends up as president. Which doesn’t happen if he backs Trump.

In 2016, everyone said the same thing about Trump getting elected. It’s not a movie, Trump is a sideshow, he’ll never get elected. There was no chance of it happening, right up until it actually happened.

He may be in the minority, but he’s Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. Doesn’t that give him a certain amount of sway?

I’m the son of a veteran. Obedience to the chain of command is a core value to all branches of the military, and it’s something that is drilled in from enlistment onwards. If the leadership backs Trump, the rest may well follow.

All of this hinges on the Secret Service and military backing Biden over Trump. And Trump is packing the Pentagon with loyalists right now. Nothing is certain.

The Republicans won the senate. They’re not going to be letting any voting rights laws squeak through.

Nobody thought he could win in 2016, and he somehow stumbled into that. It turns out being an openly racist white guy will take you pretty far in America. Now isn’t the time to get complacent.

We’re going to see Trump again. Many places are reporting he’s already planning a 2024 run. If he ends up being too old to run again, it’ll be Ivanka or Donald Jr. Either way, no escaping Trumps for a while.

Maybe. Maybe not. That’s the point.

Completely agreed. I think you’re exactly right on everything you said.

This is suspicious as hell. These people absolutely did something to this child and need to be fully investigated.

I just want to say I really appreciate you not going the clickbait route and putting the important takeaway right there in the headline. Thank you.

This looks like a beautiful collectable. Too bad it isn’t for a better game. Gorgeous animation aside, Dragon’s Lair has not aged well.

Good for you!

This was exactly my dream too. I even auditioned twice, just for the awkward interview segment. I feel your pain.

Oh, I agree, Mass Effect 1 totally did the same thing. Though I’d argue it’s slightly less egregious there because the repeated environments were mostly relegated to minor sidequests. The main story missions all had unique environments. DA2 reused environments for main story stuff. Repeatedly.

See, I think the reused environment thing could work pretty well if in fact it was used like you describe. If we kept coming back to the same places over and over for narrative reasons, finding them slightly changed each time, that could work fine. But that wasn’t really what DA2 did. They reused environments and