
iTunes syncs with Android wonderfully, just use iSyncr. It works even better if you use iSyncr and Rocket Player, because then your play counts and ratings get updated.

Yeah, I'm so NOT a fan of Google Plus at all.

It says I travelled 0 miles this week. Did you update the app on your Android device?

Yeah but it's not updating any more so what's the point of that? :)

I'd like a review of the "Latitude-like" features - my wife and I switched to Life360 as a replacement, which works pretty well, but I miss the Google integration and mileage tracking to the moon :)

OK thanks for making that point.

Argh! I can't make it! Thursdays are a standing commitment. And I totally want to meet you guys!

Sorry, I don't care about politics, so I'm not going to have anything to fight back with. This isn't the forum for that - Lifehacker's about working better and on cool projects. I only brought up JFK because that was a fact I learned from one of Gretchen Rubin's other books.

I just finished the Happiness Project last week, gave it as a gift to my mother-in-law, and was wondering yesterday if she'd have a post like this on Lifehacker. And here it is! Great work!

Got any advice for a window A/C unit that's leaking water inside the house?

So I've used MCEBuddy, and it works really well, exactly as you described it.

I don't even have an iPod Touch but I recommend this comment. If that's not a lifehacker post in the making, I don't know what is.

can't seem to resize text in here.

Huge fan of this guy. Had the chance to ask him a question at an event, wrote about it on my blog HERE.

You can make it play the 264 content with xbmc 3.2, it works really well.

Does it support Airplay? (Can it stream audio to my Airport Express and Airplay speakers?) If not, it's not that interesting. (Yes, I know I could use Airfoil.)

You wrote iSyncr? I love that app. Use it daily. Experienced a few hiccups but overall it works well. I love that it even syncs play count with iTunes if I use Rocket Player. I have some issues with Rocket Player but that's a different conversation. :)

I like it, mostly because of Airplay and the ability to play music through multiple speakers, and the remote app for Android.

Excellent! Thank you! I really appreciate you documenting this. I've gotten certain pieces of this working but never the whole process end-to-end like you've got going. I particularly like that your process has a 200 MB file with no commercials.

Could you do me a favor? Could you write up a little about what software you use, your hardware, the process, and your resulting file? Would love to imitate what you have working.