
saw the headline and was intrigued, but made a hard pass at reading when the byline said “jordan sargent,” the guy who for no good reason tried to ruin with a “story” a Conde Naste exec by complying with a gay porn start trying to extort the exec. why is he writing for deadspin now? because gawker, where he wrote the

no he’s wrong to be pissed. he’s huge. combine that with the fact he’s a mobile quarterback and fast, he can dish out the damage. it requires a lot to bring him down. on top of that, he shows up others with all his celebrations. he deserves everything he’s getting and i applaud the officials for letting it happen.

Uber is a brilliant business model where everyone wins, so let’s fuck it up with unions and “employee demands.” Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

this is a goddamn shame. deadspin used to be a sports site, where people could put their political differences aside. but since gawker posed as journalists to ruin peoples lives and got rightfully sued into bankruptcy, all of its shitty “journalists” became homeless, so now you have them shitting all over deadspin