Too Grey to Function

It’s adorable to say that “working class people didn’t support Trump” in trying to imply that it’s not reasonable to think the Barr’s wouldn’t be Trump supporters. Your link, to be blunt, does a piss poor job of adding race into the equation when calculating Trump’s supporting among uneducated and/or working class

Being that I literally live in the same geographic area that the “Roseanne” series is set in, I can attest that a white family with their financial demographic in this area voted Trump.

Relevant picture:

Yes, but Becky 2 will be playing a different character this time around.

How dare he create a successful company from scratch.

As someone currently in the Greek system (who agrees it’s flawed but in a very different way than many people are arguing), this isn’t going to actually solve a problem. Taking fraternities out of the legal sphere doesn’t automatically mean they stop operating. You can kick a fraternity off campus, you can kick it out

TPS crisis?

What is the ideal result for people who were granted temporary protective status in the US?

Go ammend your stupid comment, then, since you’ve been corrected.

Whoa, wait a minute — I hate the Greek System and wish they would all get litigated out of existence, but the hammer came down on this case because there was a death. Just like the 10+ white frat bro assholes who have been charged in the death of a pledge at Penn State.

here comes a stream of people saying fraternities and sororities are the root of all evil and need to be exterminated, and also i had a great time in college and didn’t need them, but i guess some people need to buy friends.

Yeah, America is horrible for housing people whose homes were destroyed and then eventually returning them back to their country after they’ve had 17 years to sort out earthquake repairs. The horror of actually using temporary status as it was envisioned, temporarily.

“President George W. Bush designated TPS for El Salvador in 2001 after a catastrophic 7.6 magnitude earthquake—which was followed by two powerful aftershocks—hit the Central American country.”

Dull surprise. This gives them almost 2 years to prepare for this though, or maybe it’s enough time for Trump to resign (hah!) or be forced out.

Funny, the Democratic party has become so exclusionary that “You can’t sit with us” comes to mind...

I applaud the effort. Not everyone can be as smug, self-satisfied, and meta-shade-throwing as Jezebel, Io9, and other post-Gawker related sites.

High school girls ARE the worst. They are the definition of “worst”.

No tax dollars here.

The Democratic party never ceases to embarrass itself...and me, for supporting them with my hard earned money.