Too Grey to Function

Fun Fact: This article isn’t about the TSA.

Race rules everything around me.”

No shit, Sherlock. You wouldn’t have a job if that were not true. 

Race rules everything around me.

You have ATLANTA the city itself and then you have the metropolitan areas.

You seem confused. The sides of Israeli/Palestinian debate haven’t ever been a strictly partisan divide. There isn’t anything “Progressive” about one side or the other.

So when Lena isn’t molesting a relative, defending a predator that works on her overrated tv show, stereotyping and insulting black athletes that don’t know who she is and being an overall annoying piece of flesh she’s making sure to warn people about a sexual predator that doesn’t help produce her garbage TV show.

You guys realize that Israel recognizes Jerusalem as their capital?

Because he selflessly gave up everything he had to help the right stranger at the right time, and you’re here selfishly complaining on the internet. Maybe someone will read your comment and be moved to make a GoFundMe page for you, but I doubt it.

he can now go to a doctor in this shorty country. he has less stress about where he sleeps and he has set up accounts so he does not spend all of it. he was homeless. how the fuck does ir ger worse? this person has done more for him then you ever will for any homeless person. your shitty trearments don’t work. get

That’s probably why it’s mostly in a trust fund.

No, the one that recognizes there are problems with the system and tries to help others regardless.

This is the America I know and love.

Never forget that what applies to one, applies to all, by definition.

Talking about oppression in modern day America will never cease to make me laugh. Get a fucking clue

Also, when you walk off and get fired in short order, it greatly increases my personal bargaining power/leverage.

Dip is very cheap. Also, yeah I could use more overtime. I just bought a project vehicle and a vacation home and I want to pay off the house in 10 years instead of 15. I only have one mouth to feed though as my SO can feed herself.

Sounds great. Some of us could use the overtime.

I don’t find him an idealist, though.

People like Nolan want to use 19th or early 20th century solutions to 21st century problems.

Give it a rest, Lenin.