Well, they needed something to replace the Confederate flag with, so there it is.
Well, they needed something to replace the Confederate flag with, so there it is.
I can’t believe I’m the only one who appreciates this comment.
In fairness, nobody’s better at turning left than Nascar.
As I said over on The Root:
Color me shocked that Gorsuch authored the majority opinion, but... fuck it, I’ll take it!
It’s a wrongful death suit. The lawyer who took it believes the payday is at the end of the trial. If not, the family is going to be in debt to him for a while.
This gal is doin’ it right!
This really hasn’t a lot to do with your comment but I wanted to share this pic and it seemed like the best place.Hope you don’t mind.
And her event dress is a colorful tube dress with puffy sleeves. She must be just a master at negotiations.
Anna Wintour has had the same haircut for a million years. How is someone who leads a fashion magazine doing that? People are supposed to take fashion cues from her?
I’m not even that big a fan of her music (she ‘s just really great!), but Dolly Parton can easily be argued to be one of the twenty finest, most thoroughly admirable Americans alive.
Personally, I think we should probably put a moratorium on constructing any statues of white people for at least a couple hundred years, just to be safe.
Why do transphobic people always seem to think being transitioning is some breezy walk in the park people just do on a whim?
She is a garbage person who doesn’t know shit about anything.
What you said is what I say all of the time to people I know that want people to use bathrooms that the were “born” to use. (Yes, I also ask where intersex people are supposed to go then?) Anyone can walk into any bathroom. I’ve used the guys in a pinch, I’m sure many women have. If someone wants to do something bad…
Oh, and I forgot to add - if J Karen Rowling wants to identify as female, well that’s her choice. She still looks like a skull with lipstick and blusher on.
Don’t forget his defense of wife beater Johnny Depp.
I have also heard people call J.K. Rowlings out for her alleged racism as there are very few Harry Potter Schools of Magic in the developing world. I, for one, feel as though she can open her schools wherever she likes and that Europe and the United States are more likely to be attracted to her commercial vision of…
This obviously true account shows antifascist are truly the Hitler. I don’t know how you can look yourself in the eye without a mirror, you atheist Satan-worshipper!
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