too dressy for this town

Maybe she’s just wearing it to piss him off?? Can’t fathom any other reason why.

10. Aluminum: $8.1 billion (2.1%)

To the Aztecs, NYE 2017 is just another day: 8 Hueitozoztli (IV). I’m waiting to celebrate Aztec New Year, which is either our March 12th or February 23rd (depending on who you ask). But, of course, a couple of shots of tequila is de rigueur on any of those three days. 

Son-in-law material right there.

A Succession of Shitheads

Seeing how cake decorating is one of the more refined lady arts, cake guy doth protest way too much, methinks.

If someone could invent pecan pie cheesecake, please? That’s really all I ask.

Boarding school, perhaps?

“+” is the new “K”

This guy is such a piece of shit.

Unfortunately, part of that palette is the white pumps she is wearing after labor day.

Fairly inexpensively, also, apparently:

Amen to that, S.L.D.; I’m like 5'15" tall and anything less than a 3" heel looks frumpy on me.

I have to concur with DS’C, but for a different reason: While Lindsey Graham is a vile little man, I would never wish rape on anyone.

hmmm... perhaps now it is time for that eye doctor appointment!

Good on you Hazel for using octopuses rather than the fashionable but incorrect octopi.

La Llorona is curiously missing. I worry for souls of the Gringas guilty of that oversight.

The ironic thing is that many local police departments don’t even want this equipment but are unable to return it to the Feds after recognizing its incompatibility with good policing (i.e., that which involves working with the citizenry).