wow this reviewer really teach music boys a lesson maybe they read this and quit?
wow this reviewer really teach music boys a lesson maybe they read this and quit?
Interesting, I wrote a similar post about this subject, and one musical group that has really thrived in the MP3 era:…
I love mashups! Have you seen this other funny one that is going around called Breaking Stewie that mashes up Stewie from the Family Guys with Braking Bad!
Dear "Great Job Internet,"
Today you featured "Cage of Thrones," a hilarious mashup of 2 pop culture phenomenons. When I saw this earlier this morning, shared separately by my wife's friend on Facebook, I had a pretty big laugh, so to see it again featured on the AV Club was like having two Christmases. But I have news…
Total recall came out in 1990. How is this the 20th anniversary? Or were memories of seeing Total Recall in 1990 implanted in my brain in 1995?