Is a Michelada the same thing as a Caesar?
Is a Michelada the same thing as a Caesar?
Upvoted, but I still thought it was a universal thing. I wouldn't be knowledgable enough to think you were bullshitting me.
I was actually going to mention that in my original comment. I have done that exact same thing. "Hey, bacon! Neat!" If you're impulsive or curious enough to buy Caesars in can form - which you shouldn't be, but we've all been there - for the love of God, don't buy the bacon one. That was a terrible experience for me…
His best bit with President Obama:
I like Jon Stewart, but yes, he did. When pressed on anything, he made a comment on 'being run after a show about puppets making crank calls' etc. He had his cake and ate it too. Which is okay, but yeah, he totally did that.
By that logic, Jared Fogle's arrest was just further publicity for Subway. (Yes, I get it's not the same thing, but still.)
I had no idea Caesars were just a Canadian thing until now. You guys are missing out. It's the perfect hair-of-the-dog hangover drink. But never - never - impulse-buy the pre-sold stuff. I've made that mistake before, and deserved every note of how disgusting that was.
It says 'Bee', and there's a picture of a bee on it!
The funniest thing is that George is the one actually having a genuinely horrible day. He still goes along with his friends' joke, and they just shit all over him for it. And his take won!
I'm still surprised America is only now coming around to poutine. I've made this joke before, but it's fries, cheese curds, and gravy. It should be on your flag.
All of you people are making me hungry.
Eh, if you're that person. It's really just not in-depth enough of a thing to worry about. It's beer pong. Criticizing it is worse than playing it, basically.
It's not mob mentality to disagree with you.
None of the things you mentioned are mutually exclusive from anything that's happening here.
Fair point. One the best things I would say about The Dark Knight was that it's violence was shown tastefully. That's hard to define, but there's a tightrope to be walked in terms of depicting a character like the Joker faithfully and still not having fun with violence, and I feel it walked that line very skillfully.…
First off, "Precious Venus" is the band Fallout Boy's grey-hairs will eventually produce.
I would disagree, but only in execution. If anything, it overplayed it's hand too soon with the rip-roaring half of the crowd. I get multi-tasking (as in White Christmas) but like that, it tried to do too much with too little (which was also a lot), in my opinion. I feel our comments are similar to each other. I get…
Almost all of the other episodes (that I've seen) are a remarkable improvement, if some off-putting for different reasons.
Forgive my ignorance if this is extremely dated information or out of context as I have still not gotten around to watching it in full, but the original ending was apparently not at all ambiguous, and while cut from the final edition, is available. Though I feel you likely already know that.
Happy that Netflix has finally gained the rights to the earlier BBC episodes of Black Mirror. I work as a food expediter in a casual fine dining kitchen, and we basically got slaughtered all day and night. I don't usually lose it in the form of everything just being a relentless mental blur, but managed twice to do…