
I reffed hockey for a couple of years and I quit after a parent came after me when I got off the ice. Came right into the officials locker room trying to get his hands on me (I was 16) because I kicked his kid out for checking from behind.

Luckily for me, the guy that was supposed to ref the game had showed up for the

What's next, you take away guns.... Fucking commie! 

Probably want to save this article for if Flores and Tank for Tua actually work... it basically all applies to the Dolphins.

Not that my opinion matters but the Knicks may have lucked out here. I think RJ is going to be the better pro, and Memphis likely gonna take JA.

As a Toronto sports fan this shouldn't hurt as much as it does..... But man, I thought this was going to be different 

My parents are going to be so excited to tell me all about this

To be honest, just yesterday something came up in a news story about Harper's Bazaar... It was fate i guess

Harper’s Bazaar contract negotiations....

Fuck I hate myself

That was so satisfying 

Interesting... I have a friend with a lot of MMA ties (ugh, can’t believe I just wrote that), but anyway, a month ago we went to an event and he was telling me all about this and how Connor was in a lot of trouble in Ireland.

There seem to have been a lot of details that were public if you were looking in the right

I’m curious why Deadspin is just reporting this now. This has been circulating.... well since the dates reported in your story.

Was it more just no way to confirm if it was true until the piece today?

What’s happening?!?!?! Why are the Mets doing things that make sense?!!?!?  I don’t like this at all, something real bad is about to happen. 

I mean, I think we can all agree at best it was a side five, quite possibly a low five.... but at no point was there an aggressive high-five

How do the NCAA rules work in terms of the money she’s making outside of school with endorsements and such. If she was a “recruit” does that not put her on the same level as Football, basketball... name pretty much any other sport that is more popular than crew.

We’re just a week or two away from WWE creative ruining the easiest story they have ever been handed.

Probably doesn't need to be stated because it's so obvious... But man, Alex Jacob would be fun to fucking party with

I know a smart ass comment should be made... But fuck Nebraska and fuck this guy.

This one is a moral paradox for me... I want to be on your side with this. Because fuck Trump , fuck the racial divide he has created, fuck everything about that piece of shit.

There is something hypnotic watching his throws sail through the air.

I was a huge Tess fan but god these three are just awful.