
I dunno, man - do you have a guest writer posting your comments, or are you actually trying to come across as kind of weirdly judgemental and entitled?

You should always use their current name and pronouns. However since that can take some time to adjust toI’ve known tans folks who when sticking with a similar first name went by first letter and last name as people adjusted, so E. Page might also be acceptable as people get used to Elliot.

The small roaches will infest even a clean home. Cleaning regularly will help, but its no guarantee. And lots of people live in apartments that aren’t isolated, so even if they keep a clean house that doesn’t mean their neighbours do.

This is the new one with the app and multiple heads for different uses.

This is the new one with the app and multiple heads for different uses.

Why would anyone buy this when you can just look it all up online?

Why would anyone buy this when you can just look it all up online?

I don’t think anybody has been this dedicated to making MGS comics since hiimdaisy way back when. May AZ never stop with the MGS jokes.

There’s nothing funny here. This is tragic in every way.

I have my own body image issues and wish my nose was smaller, etc. Is it weird that my reaction after reading this was to try to love myself more?

Hey, Cam, remember how you feel when people ask if a black QB can learn the intricacies of an NFL offense?

Is it going to have a goddamned headphone jack? Because otherwise I’m switching to Android.

Yeesh. These were all terrible. Nothing funny or even remotely interesting about any of them. Must every comic seem like some inside joke we’ll never understand? Ugh, it’s so frustrating reading comics with no direction or meaning.

Two card game announcements in a single day. The first, from Gearbox, and this one from Valve.......sigh.

Look, we get it, Hearthstone is huge and everyone wants some of that heat...but, come the fuck on.

Between Blizzard’s juggernaut, Gwent, The Elder Scrolls Legends, the various versions of Magic, Duelyst, the Pokemon

Get out of here with that rationality and let me call my cousin-in-law a fuckboy in peace.

But being unaware of the law doesn’t free you of the consequences of breaking it. I didn’t realize you had to drive for 100 yards in a lane before changing to another lane, but the ticket I paid and the point on my car insurance are the consequences for breaking that law.

Personally, (and I guess this needs to be said) I supported Kaepernick’s decision to not stand as a form of protest. It was subtle, poignant, and about as far away from “attention seeking” as one can get. Honestly, the only reason it got so much media coverage was because people who disagreed with him wouldn’t shut up

Her new name is Petunia Butterbean III.

Any spoilers for Nier in the podcast? I just started it the other night. Loving it so far.