Tony The Shoes

All I know is that I want to violate my mouth with that sandwich. Hard.

…“picked up my phone, ‘cause I had to call bullshit.”

*Song playing over PA system*


I saw Garbage in, oh, 1998-1999 or so at the 9:30 Club in DC, and it was the loudest concert I've ever seen—the show was being mixed from a trailer outside the venue, and it was like they just turned everything up to 11. Every time a sub-bass drum would kick, the wind would blow your hair back.

The vibe of these movies kind of remind me of 'Now You See Me.' It was goofy, stupid, and pretty innocent. Though from what I can tell, the biggest trick from that movie was conjuring up a sequel…

I think Indy might actually kill more people during Raiders than the actual Nazis… I'm not saying he's worse than the Nazis, mind you….

Incredible movie! Although, I was thinking about it after watching it again this weekend, and man, Indy is basically a mass murderer. I lost count of how many people he blatantly guns down along the way.

That's the word! I couldn't remember it…

-ghazi is the new -gate.

'Dickless' isn't really the punchline… it's Bill Murray's callback to what is otherwise a throwaway insult by Dan Ackroyd. And the timing and deadpan delivery stick the joke.

The stop motion looks fine, it's the… not sure what the correct terminology is… the overlay? The way the dogs look like they're not 'in' the scene, but on top of it.

I'm ambivalent mostly, but the movie had my wife at "Thor in glasses."

I hate when directors go back and meddle with old moves (lookin' at you, Lucas), but if there's one place I wouldn't have minded some enhanced special effects, it was with the demon dogs effect in the original when they bust out of the hotel. So bad. So very bad…

Thing that bothers me the most is the stupid dubstep remix of the theme—it screams "that's what the kids listen to these days, right guys? Right?"

"Well, that's what I heard!"

Full caps is serious business!

Saw it on video, and I remember laughing a couple of times, mostly at the sound the woman made in most of her dialogue scenes—sort of a "weeeeeuuuuueeeuuueueueueeee" sound… Then again, I was not sober…

The Foot Fist Way vs Kung Pow: Enter the Fist. Who wins?
Nobody. Nobody wins.

The Russian judge gives it a: brrrrRRRRRAAAAAPPPPPPP point five.