Tony The Shoes

Dr. Pro Tools Plugins, DAW

Confirmed, Fuller House does indeed have a laugh track.

You might be certainly be right, I was just pulling some guesses out of my bum. I haven't watched it (nor will I), but Fuller House on Netflix might have a laugh track if it's modeled after the original.

This doesn't pertain to every show, but from folks I've talked to, the big draw is watching people be horrible to each other…

The Office sticks out as well. SNL has obviously been on the air for a billion years, and while the quality fluctuates wildly from season to season (and episode to episode), it's hard to deny how much of a star mill it remains.

I don't believe there are any, but I would imagine the production of a show on a sound stage would cost more than just grabbing a couple of cameras and shooting on location…

I think most celebrity lifestyle 'reality' shows are considered somewhat disposable. They're cheap and they make loads of money off of product placement. Kind of a one and done proposition. On the flip-side, any program that contains some sort of demonstration of skill is more likely to spawn repeat viewership—Top

This is true…

What's interesting to me is how the broadcast networks don't embrace and push the fact that they're available over the air without a subscription—with cord cutting becoming more and more common, it might behoove (I've always wanted to use that word) them to say, "Hey, remember us? We're here, and we're free!"

Not that I put tons of stock into the AFI lists, but it actually appears on their Top 100 Comedies list.

It sounds at one point like she says "I hear bells." You know, I should just watch with the subtitles on tonight.

As far as I'm concerned, Fargo is about as close to a perfect movie as there is. Not one scene is wasted. One question though, what the hell is the prostitute who is sleeping with Steve Buscemi saying before Shep Proudfoot beats the shit out of him? It sounds like she's talking to someone on the phone or something.

My college radio air shifts were defined by the sound of jewel case stacks clattering all over the damn place. Man, I was a shitty DJ.

I'm looking forward to the future when they start being sold at Urban Outfitters for $27 bucks a pop…

Terribly overrated book, though as I read it, I figured it would make a better movie. It was okay, but just like the book, I never felt that Watney was ever in real danger. My big question, though—how did Matt Damon get from Planet Mann to Mars?

Hail, Skroob!

Heisenberg, you are the one who rocks.

Get a room, you two!

Get a room, you two!

Or, you know, clicking the link to the original THAT'S IN THE FREAKING ARTICLE?!?