Tony Tan

A+ to a show where the main character was historically wrong!! Bass was not the inspiration of the Lone Ranger and the real person was an actual Texas Ranger in John Hughes. You could look him up. You will see the creator of The Lone Ranger dedicated the first copy of his book to this lawman.

Since the Lone Ranger was not black so the show should get an F.

Again you are wrong. For the people reading the real inspiration was John Hughes who was a real Texas Ranger and the creator of the Lone Ranger dedicated his book to him. You could read about him on wikipedia.

If you want to know who the real person that the Lone Ranger was based on than look up John Hughes(Lawman) ON WIKIPEDIA. He was a real Texas Ranger and the inspiration of the Lone Ranger.

Totally fabricated.

Total lie and HBO should be ashamed. Now do a story on the character Bass but there is no proof at all he was the Lone Ranger. There is many articles that could debunk this.

One so called historian trying to sell his book. Sorry it was fabricated.

You my friend finally clarified this. This person is been going on all websites stating this and as you said perfectly there was no factual literature on this.

You are not right. There was no proof at all that the Lone Ranger was in fact based off of Mr. Reeves.