Tony Snark

God, I lost so many quarters in those  back in the day...

The sooner that nutbag stops running back from the graveyard, the better, I say.

It’s a video game mechanic. Learning the exact steps by repeatedly getting killed and returned back to the start point is totally how arcade games worked, especially ones like Dragon’s Lair and Space Ace.

It’s also a vehicle where you need a star who is willing to go into this with the mindset that it's more entertaining if not all the deaths are with dignity. I think of the various "I have a clause in my contract that says I can never lose a fight" actors who could never make a movie like this work the way Tom dives

I really enjoyed this movie and thought it was a bit of a turning point for Tom’s characters. I can remember even now that as I watched it for the first time, I was impressed that his character wasn’t a “super awesome badass” right out of the gate - and in fact, he really only becomes competent at best. I think this

You must be fun at parties.

However, online chatter certainly suggests not everyone loved it.

Eat Shit trolls. Eat shit. 

Are Calorie Counts on Packaged Foods Lying to You?

Honestly I’d rather something be done to address clearly nonsensical serving sizes used to make things appear to be healthier than they are. Just looking at the bread packaging, it lists the serving size as ‘one slice.’ Who is eating just one slice of bread? The basic serving size for any sliced bread is two slices.

Is ANY corporation not lying to us?

Family Guy’s parody of Return of the Jedi is literally titled “I Have a Bad Feeling About This” - it’s definitely surprising that you were unaware of this, but to each their own!

I mean, a character says it pointedly in almost every movie and it’s sort of become a meme as a “Star Wars” line. Like, I’m glad you’ve only watched half these movies once or whatever (they do, as you say, have a lot of flaws), but come on.

He’s a troll and not interested in discourse. Just dismiss him or ignore him.

You hear a lot about Fox News “brainwashing” older people — there’s even a documentary with a similar title — but the reality is, all those resentments, all those prejudices, were always in their heads. They just needed the right permission structures to be able to express in public what they used to say only around

Which group has been excluded from this show?

Within my lifetime I’ve seen racism go from something to keep quiet among racist friends to something some people are *proud* of.

Considering the great reviews it’s been getting and the fact that the previous show Headland created was the amazing Russian Doll, I’m going to say no, I don’t think that’s what’s happening.

Alternatively, this is Disney reacting to the sustained racist/sexist/etc. diatribes that have already been levelled against the show prior to its release, apparently merely for existing.

It would be great if people would stop using phrases like “reactionary culture war.”