Tony Snark

I see him more as a James Bond villain. Or at the very least, a roguish ally that studios say they wan to plan a spin off that character and then years pass by with nothing happening.

I give Zimmer a pass because he’s been so prolific that he’s still produced more original music than most musos will in their lifetime.

Yeah, if you’re looking for someone from Hollywood who’s exposed more people to a ton of classical (and not just orchestral music)...

But isn’t Jones’ Juggernaut just about the only thing people liked about X-Men 3?

I wonder if Internet lore now ascribes Jones’s “iconic line” to him, instead of it recognizing it as a reference to a much older video. If so, I’d love to pitch my dancing hampster movie to some young dumb exec.

I dream of a world where empathy happens without it having to be because “it hit home”, can’t we be kind to people who aren’t our family?

Depends if, in future conversations, the “Pop” structure of an album becomes thought of as equal to long form symphonies. Close Encounters, Schindler’s List, maybe E.T. and Jaws could be listened to as one full work that flows... Raiders and Superman are sort of like, “theme. theme. theme.” I’m not dunking on the

Depends how you define classical music.

Gotta cater to the red state viewership somehow. Make Tim Allen’s neighbor Kevin Sorbo.

He pretty much gave birth to the modern movie soundtrack.

No one person in history has done more to expose more people to classical music than John Williams. You may think it might be Mozart or Beethoven, I think it is John Williams. Billions of people have heard his music and unknown numbers of people, moved by his scores, have gone on to love, play and or listen to other

I would go so far as to say that his score for “The Empire Strikes Back” is one of the 100 greatest musical works of the 20th century. He absolutely should be considered as one of the great composers in history. 

Plus, how Hollywood studios have been taken over by IP and superhero IP. If audiences were smart, there would be a greater demand for original, and mid-budget adult-oriented movies.

To be fair, the people who voted for Trump also claim to hate Hollywood and also want different movies. It’s just that they movies they want to see are either about Jesus, or about a muscular white guy who beats up foreigners.

“My feeling has been for a long time that audiences are extremely smart, and executives have started to believe that they’re not. Audiences will always be able to sniff out bullshit.”


Let me introduce you to Barbie and He-Man toys from the 80s...

FemShep is canon.

Well, they picked the right default Shepard for the box art.

There... there are non-stealth kills?