Tony Snark

I thought it was fun. It wasn’t perfect - that goes to either Raiders of the Lost Ark or Last Crusade. But, it was fun. There were some clear-cut examples of 80-year-old Harrison Ford not doing the stunts because he’s 80 years old. I did like it more than Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, but not by much because I did

I would’ve been fine if they just ended with the reconciliation. But, I’m also not a studio exec, so what do I know?

Olivia Colman is having a blast in this role so far; I want more of her onscreen.

Fury is definitely carrying the Idiot Ball so far. Here’s hoping the writers let him eventually drop it and get some act right about himself.

Yeah...these look a bit too gaudy for my taste. I think something like the Porsche logo on a red system would have been good enough.

Mixer went all in on bigger streamers but couldn’t sustain it for some reason. I have a streamer friend who is on Twitch but was about to leave for Mixer, but they offered her less than what she was making; she wanted to negotiate more, but Mixer went the way of the dodo shortly thereafter.

Disappointed they didn't put him in the post, but glad he's in the comments. The love he had for Jake radiated through the screen. 

It’s a new holiday for quite a few people, although members of the Black diaspora have been celebrating it in one form or another for decades.

Yes, let’s send one of the world’s best spies to the most secretive country on the planet. What could possibly go wrong?

Agreed. Not everything needs to be a damn franchise, y’know?

This is where I am. I was talking to a work friend about this earlier and I will probably return, but it definitely won’t be this week. Maybe next week? Maybe two weeks from now? Who knows?

The first movie I saw in “modern” 3D was Avatar and the last one was Clash of the Titans; both were because the Carmike Cinemas by my apartment didn’t have it in any other option. I struggled through Avatar but almost walked out of Clash of the Titans - not only was the movie bad, but it was a waste of Gemma Arterton.

It looks absolutely stunning. I can’t wait to watch other people play it.

Oh, there are folk out there who think they can “change your mind”

I’ll just wait until someone makes a copy of the watch face and puts it on the Play Store.

I like the version of “Raiders March” that plays in the end credits for this one. I can’t quite put the reason why into words, but it has a sonic quality I really dig. It’s one that was never really repeated in the franchise.

Near as I can tell, the only console box I kept was my Xbox One Titanfall box; the console is still in it and it even still has the Kinect. Everything else is gone.

Who’s Peter?

I enjoyed the first Michael Bay Transformers movie. Yeah, some parts of it were crass and it was hard to follow sometimes, but it felt like it had heart. The second one was a disaster, the third one almost caused me to walk out of the theater in disgust, and I didn’t watch another one of those movies until Bumblebee -

...oh shit...