Tony Snark

The Mummy and The Mummy Returns were both great - dodgy CGI in TMR notwithstanding.

Man, fuck this trash ass fool and his trash ass opinion.

This was beautiful.

Play what you know.

Paragon Spacer War Hero FemShep

I liked the fireworks event. It was cute. I’m looking forward to having it back.

This was fun. Love the music!

Jimmy Pitaro can eat a dick.

God, this is horrible.

That’s fine. He can refuse to not play for unvaccinated people if he wants.

This is absolutely horrible.

They can’t help but to say the quiet part out loud.

I had the same question for about 10 seconds before just shrugging and saying< “plot”.

I really found myself enjoying this episode. I guess Jessica Parker Kennedy can make anything spectacular.

Thank you!

Man, this episode was such a trippy good time. Also, it aired VERY close to my own birthday (Wednesday), so it made me doubly happy.


I enjoyed Star Trek Beyond, but I absolutely love the 2009 Star Trek. I know Abrams’ love for lens flare is almost orgasmic, but I had such a great time watching it, and I’ll watch it any moment I get.

This was delightful!