This comes out on my birthday; happy birthday to me!
This comes out on my birthday; happy birthday to me!
I unabashedly enjoy Age of Ultron. I would put it in the middle for me. It’s not great, but it’s fun. Fun is good sometimes, y’know? And, I wouldn’t necessarily put Thor: The Dark World at the bottom (although it is VERY close); for me, that spot is reserved for The Incredible Hulk.
Man, I love this show.
You’re not alone. I love doing laundry; the whole process is so satisfying. Not sure why, but it is.
I’ll always have an excuse not to do it.
I’m glad it’s going out on its own terms.
The Twelfth Doctor would like to have a word with you.
I’m enjoying Supergirl and Batwoman, although the latter pissed me the fuck off. I’m watching Legends until the gotdamn wheels fall off because I love that ragtag bunch of misfits so much.
I’d love to see that.
Y’know....I had a custom Ryder and I never ran into any of the glitches. In fact, I never ran into a glitch in Andromeda, period. The only things I didn’t like in Andromeda were the Ryder running styles and the fact we never got closure on their part of the series.
But...she did fuck a varren.
So, uh...can we get that face code? I’m only an hour into my playthrough, and I have no problems yeeting that character aside for this one.
It appears gross-out stuff is gonna be the theme of this season. Not too sure how I feel about that.
This is about where I am.
Good luck to you, D. The Kappas may not miss you, but we will.
Gotdamn it...
I think you’re right about Usnavi being the only Dominican. Not too sure on Abuela Claudia, but Benny is the only non-Latin principal in the play, so it makes sense he’d be the only non-Latin principal in the movie.
I can agree with all of that.
I didn’t mind him as Reed at all.
I think Sebastian Stan could generate chemistry with a piece of cardboard; he’s that damn good.