I had the PlayStation version of this game. I thoroughly enjoyed it, although I never finished it. I consider it a blight on my gaming résumé.
I had the PlayStation version of this game. I thoroughly enjoyed it, although I never finished it. I consider it a blight on my gaming résumé.
I have been a fan of Sailor Moon since I stumbled on it one summer in 1996. Something about the show stuck it’s hooks in me and didn’t let go. Even now, as a 43 year old man, I love this series and all of its foibles.
Oh, I am the king of “woosah” around here. Granted, I kinda lost it earlier today, but I regrouped and am in a better place.
Can’t call it; just trying to make it day by day.
Hey, Auntie.
Fuck Jason Whitlock, ad infinitum.
Don’t wanna be in the room where it happens, the room where it happens, the room where it happens.
Probably my usual routine:
Ain’t no hypocrite like an evangelical hypocrite coz an evangelical hypocrite don’t quit!
My brother-in-law had one of those; I used to call it a shiny red dildo with wheels.
He is (now) the living embodiment of “All my skinfolk ain’t kinfolk.”
Fortunately, I only have one conference call a week.. Unfortunately, for some perverse reason, my supervisor wants us to all have our cameras on for it. God knows why.
This was a fantastic end to a fantastic show. I was on pins and needles throughout the entire episode, and had the goofiest of grins throughout. I don’t think I can say anything else to express how much joy this show has given me through all seven seasons.
This piece of music hooked me on this game and I fell in love almost immediately:
I hadn’t heard “brolic” until very recently, but I didn’t bother to ask about it for fear of looking stupid.
I’m almost certain Mike followed them because that is totally a Mike thing to do.
I really wish they’d make Dust: An Elysian Tail backwards compatible. I really love that game and miss playing it since my 360 RRoD’d itself into oblivion.
I can’t with this show.
This was a swerve after last week’s episode, It was much needed, though; I never knew I needed a quiet family drama until I got one. So, there’s that