Tony Snark


I'm running Windows 8.1 now; I've never had an issue with it.

I have nightmares about the Gigglebellies; every damn video is a fever dream waiting to happen.


It's Etowah County; they do not.

I named my Shepards Ericka, Morgana, Isaiah, and Demetrius. That's just the ones I remember off the top of my head.

This makes me so happy. I can't wait!

They're just taking a lesson from the other in-state school, what with their 9,734 national champions.

I don't have video, but I know Mass Effect 3 had a weird glitch with FemShep and Liara talking to each other and looking at everyone BUT each other.

Obvious troll is obvious.

Never underestimate the power of people claiming freedom of speech violations who don't know what freedom of speech really is.

They do, and...they do. I'm still looking forward to seeing them return.

I have the Google Now Launcher on my Note 3, and I really like it. It doesn't change everything (phone and menu), but it changes enough. I kinda wanna try to use the rest of the stuff in the launcher, but I don't wanna run the risk of bricking my phone due to it not being rooted.

Making a Mass Effect movie could be done...IF they did it right. If it were a story based on the First Contact War (Relay 314 Incident if you're a Turian, and if so...welcome!), then that could work.

That's because they are. There isn't much the players and coaches can do in this case; if they play to win, then their dick of an owner gets a championship. If they don't, then they run the risk of being considered tankers and choking dogs. They're in a no-win scenario here...take that phrasing for what it is.