Wrong section. Mods, please move this post to Meh Car Monday.
Wrong section. Mods, please move this post to Meh Car Monday.
The damages are pretty much nil, but it’d be interesting to find out whose service dog it was and, if it’s someone who just bought a vest on Amazon so they didn’t have to pay extra to take Poochie McPoopie on the plane, run them through the wringer for bringing an untrained, nervous-pooping dog on the plane and…
A more reserved approach could just be an outsourcing of parts manufacturing for Vanquish owners looking to keep their Astons roadworthy, but $26 million seems like a big investment for the parts of one low volume car.
That is a sweet looking Porsche, especially in off-road form.
Yes, but Ford has now forgotten to trademark “GT” or “350" so the new car will just be called a Ford. Possibly “The Ford Ford.”
Yeah, I was wondering if the buildings/billboards/graffiti had already been ‘scuffed up’ for the movie or if it’s all normally that craptastic. I kinda think that’s probably the normal state of affairs, but sheesh.
So true.
Stop pushing a Lotus Elise on me.
You have captured my emotional state perfectly.
I hate that I don’t hate this.
LS swap — The Ebola of the motor world: deadly, uncontrollable; and contagious.
Looks like someone was trying to create a reliable Donk.
Yeah, shame on him for writing what we all secretly feel!
Around here, anything more than the price of a used Miata is expensive.
OEM New Car Smell.
This is the correct answer but likely not for the reasons you intended.
Air BNB.