
Neutral: Scoped out a nice dirt strip in southern Jersey that I think I’m going to fly a C152 into. Here’s hoping it is dried up from the rains and I don’t sink in!

We’ll just outright ban certain categories of cars, and pretty much force the market into all sorts of wierd cars which everyone will grow acustomed to and then force them to be popular.

Sorry Camero lovers

Neutral: Hate to say it but they’re in the right direction, but shuttering all the sedans? I think thats far. Maybe whittle it down to one or two models and thats it. No four door car though, except the Focus Active? I think they simply went too far.

The absolute biggest pet peeve of mine is the asshats on the road that do these two things:

This is exactly why immediately you step away from the wreckage of your vehicle post crash. You never know when a fire could start.

on flat and level ground, yes

Mine stems from my mom and is more about when I learned to drive stick.

Always a question I have for car enthusiasts when we’re drunk. You get seven cars for the rest of your life. Each one is assigned to one day of the week. the car always works fine and is in whatever shape you want it to be. Which car do you pick for each day of the week, knowing you can only drive it on that day for


Yeah its in need of it bad. Seems the day out with Thomas is half the reason that museum can even stay open.

Amazing. But the Polio sucks...

as this ugly modified F-5E Tiger II fighter jet

Honest to God true story.

Not by the law, but by Mom and Dad. None too excited to find the corner of an *ahem* “contraceptive wrapper” in the back seat of the family car...

Who needs two cruising gears? I humbly submit: no one.

If I had a real house with space for a toy right now I would totally get this.


Same here

Came here to say that. That and those awful wheels