tonysaurus rex

Your a grouch.

“For competitive purposes???”

I must have missed the memo where time stood still for injured players.

You may have a point. This week Guy Fieri opened his 11th restaurant.

See how you’re laying out some scenario’s where Tennessee wins a tiebreaker with Kentucky? That means Tennessee is fucked.

You must not have actually watched any of the Gators games if you think they’re really good.

Lord willing we’ll get a perfect world we’d have AL-Vandy to just troll derpy NCAA advertisers.

I’m guessing someone has used it before, but I don’t know that. I just imagined the scene from Magnolia, only with people instead of frogs or toads or whatever they were.

They should call it ALL CAPS STADIUM.

True, there was always much Adu about LeBron.

I’ve been to one game there, and was in the upper deck. It’s unbelievably steep. Scared the crap out of me.

How the hell is he in a “Come Out of Nowhere” ad though? He was the most hyped player in American sports history. He came out of everywhere. Jay Z went to his high school games. In Akron.

I went to a pre-season game once in middle school. We sat in what must have been one of the last rows, it felt like watching from the side of a cliff.

Maybe it was an optical illusion, but Mile High has always struck me as just impossibly steep in the upper decks. I’ve never sat up there, but I’m honestly not sure I could if I had to. If it was really as bad as I think it looks, you’d have Broncos fans dropping like plague frogs every week. But it really does look

And it’s 164 now thanks

What was Central Florida even bringing to the table? The lucrative Orlando ratings? Hookers? It’s hookers, isn’t it?

The Big XII has ten members, the Big Ten has fourteen. For some reason this reminds me of BASEketball: The Minneapolis Lakers moved to Los Angeles where there are no lakes, the Oilers moved to Tennessee where there is no oil, the Jazz moved to Salt Lake City where they don’t allow music.

We don’t think expansion in the Big 12 is a good idea for the conference.

As a POC, our skin color is not GOD, ok? This:

I have to argue that Pam Grier wore it best...