
We’ll finally get our first taste of Shake Shack in St. Louis in a couple of weeks when their first location opens here. Apparently they’re everywhere else except for Danny Meyer’s home town. They were supposed to open this summer but due to construction delays on the building (entirely brand new building, not just

Four sports. Don’t forget that he owns the Nuggets and Avalanche as well as the Rams and Arsenal. I voted for him and am seriously considering going around the building and convincing people I’m in IT and need to just do one thing on their computer real quick... and voting for StanK on every one of them.

I’m actually kind of shocked that they are not pulling the scholarship. Pulling it just seems like something that a university/NCAA would do without hesitation.

What they don’t admit in public is that they want to give all the life sustaining water to the rich but what trickles down to the rest of us is piss.

Expand their capacity? I guess that applies more to the craft breweries but I already spend all my spare money on beer as it is so if they don’t lower prices, there isn’t any reason for them to expand capacity for people like me. Heck, if our taxes end up increasing, they’re going to need less capacity when we don’t

Maybe they don’t have those machines in Belgium because they’ve been banned too?

More Mario for the rest of us!

It may not be the remaining salary but I’m 99.999% sure that it IS about trying to avoid paying for the surgery and rehab Davis is due if he is truly injured and in need of surgery.

I know this is blasphemy but I do use A-1 from time to time not because the steak wasn’t cooked properly but because it is a bit of a change up. I eat a lot of steak and from time to time it is nice to do something a little different. I’m not putting it on a really nice piece of meat and I don’t own a bottle of A-1

At what point will these assholes remember that they were elected to serve the people’s will and not just the will of the donors who financed their campaigns? They seem to forget just exactly who it is they are elected to represent.

Come on now, you can do better than this.

I’ll agree that the original lease deal was terrible and probably one of the worst lease agreements in the history of sports, I’ll agree with that 10000% but I don’t see how the city spending millions on a plan for a new stadium that met the criteria stated and then updating it over and over when the Rams and NFL

Of course. Because Fisher got StanK exactly what he wanted and that was to erode as much of the fan base as possible to try and justify a move to LA. Once they got to LA there was no reason to keep Fisher around and they just had to sit back and wait for them to lose a few more games so they could fire him.

I’ll counter that Jeff Fisher did an absolutely masterful coaching job with the Rams. He wasn’t brought in to win, he was brought in to tank the team and erode as much fan support in the city of St. Louis as possible so that it would be easier to move the Rams to LA and we STILL supported the Rams way more than they

Now I’m craving a slinger. Haven’t had one in awhile and I think it’s time. Hash browns covered with chili, cheese, hamburger patty, fried egg and onion all on a plate. There is no better drunk food in my opinion. I used to be repulsed by the idea of this meal but I was finally talked into trying one years ago and had

But, but, I thought there weren’t enough jobs because illegal immigrants were taking them all? Now they’re telling me that there is actually a shortage of workers because of abortion? Which is it GOP?

My first car was an ‘86 Merkur XR4Ti and while I loved the car and still miss it, I wouldn’t recommend somebody pick one up without at least mentioning how insanely expensive the parts can be. The reason I got mine is because a customer at my dad’s shop didn’t want to pay for the repairs it needed and was going to

I find it hard to believe that Trump has never drank. There has to be pictures and/or video of him drinking booze somewhere right?

And stuff like THIS is how you radicalize people against the US that otherwise wouldn’t give two shits. There will always be those who will hate the US no matter what we do but being complete dicks like this helps turn plenty of others.

Uber became popular in St. Louis because suburban white girls don’t feel safe riding in a cab with a black or foreign driver that submits to drug tests and finger print checks but they feel perfectly safe in the back seat of a stranger’s car who is more than likely white but doesn’t have either drug tests or finger