
Yes, you deal with the problem but you DON’T deal with is by making ignorant statements about blanket bans based on fear because that is exactly what ISIS and other recruiters use to their advantage. You don’t let them see you sweat. Meanwhile, you deal with the problem behind the scenes.

I’ll give you the garlic but on the other points, bars are open at night and I’m bald so I don’t need a mirror to run an electric razor over my bald head. Also going back to the first point on the post about vampires being hot... I’m not at all hot and never have been so if becoming a vampire will make me a hot,

You guys had your priorities all wrong. Beer is number one and winning is pretty far down the list until playoffs. At least that’s how things are in my league. We drink before, during and after our games and normally stay in the park until the park ranger kicks us out so we have to go to a bar.

Just don’t pick him in the playoffs if they are playing the Cardinals. I don’t know how but the Cardinals seem to have his number recently once the playoffs hit.

To piggy back on the temperature thing, you also aren’t adjusting anything with the AC. You are adjusting the temperature on the thermostat. The air conditioner doesn’t have multiple speeds. It is either running or not so you can’t ‘turn it up’ at all. You are using the thermostat to adjust how long it runs by

This ‘integrity of the game stuff’ again? I don’t disagree on the DH but what about altering the height of the mound? Altering the strike zone (or at least the interpretation of it multiple times throughout history? Batting helmets? Better and bigger gloves and catchers equipment? Allowing black people to play?

I caught one year in HS after the catcher my first three years graduated and we didn’t have the need to have a sign to hit the batter. Our pitcher didn’t throw hard enough to hurt them anyway. Heck, he didn’t even throw hard enough for me to need signs. I knew nothing about calling a game so I just let him throw

No, for me throwing for bulls eye with every single toss is the perfect strategy if I want to stand a chance... because I have absolutely no clue where the darts are going at any given time. I have a better chance of hitting a triple something than I do the bulls eye if I just aim for the center!

I actually go through that intersection down Shaw (the street she actually parked on) every day and there just isn’t any reason for anybody to park there for very long unless you decide to be responsible and not drive home after the bar. The building she parked next to restores furniture, the building across the

She actually parked on Shaw just west of Kingshighway. Until farther south closer to the end of Kingshighway it is all no-parking.

We have the same issues where I’m from. Apparently people think that poor people are going to take public transportation to their neighborhood, steal their TVs and just hop back on the bus or train home with the shit. Makes no sense.

This reminds me of the scene in The Detour where Jareb tells where babies come from. I’m trying to find the clip but I’m coming up blank and have to get back to work.

It hasn’t been a great day but at the same time it’s Thursday and tomorrow is Friday, Cinco de Mayo and my birthday all wrapped in one so let’s get the bad shit out of the way right now so tomorrow can (hopefully) be better!

I can’t stand the ‘job creator’ bullshit that is thrown out there by conservatives. My dad talks about job creators like giving rich people more money will cause them to be so generous to create jobs. A person doesn’t invest money into a business to create jobs for the public good, they do it so that MORE money

They lost me many years ago when I realized that I was regularly watching Sportscenter and they would cover a Boston or New York game four times and I’d have to rely on catching my team’s score scrolling across on the ticker.

In fairness every possible system works in theory. The problem is people. Somebody will always fuck it up with their greed.

Race starts... and nobody moves because they don’t want to be out front!

I’ve got that part covered! These days I only play about once a year in our company scramble. I still don’t know why the rest of my team keeps me around even though I offer to be replaced every year since we won the thing. The other three are good. I’m only there for entertainment. I have my trophy so I’m good.

Bill, is that you? I used to know a guy who would disappear behind some trees on the next hole over and then suddenly be next to the trees on our fairway and have a clean shot. He was notorious for the foot wedge and never counted a stroke. Although I don’t think he counted half the strokes he did actually take.

Different topic completely but I’ve never understood why a person can get a lighter sentence for attempted murder. If you try to kill somebody, why do you get a lesser sentence just because you are a bad shot, stabber, etc. The intent was the same as if you actually killed the person. Do you get out earlier so yo