Tony Macaroni

¡Viva la Univision!


Well now everything dies baby that's a fact
But maybe everything that dies someday comes back
Put your snark on, fix your comments up witty
And meet me tonight in AV Club City

*Sniff* Those were the days….

I stand corrected, but it's up there!

I stand corrected, but it's up there!

This is the most anti-climactic apocalypse ever!

Probably some Red Sox fan on Deadspin

Always enjoyed your posts and hope to see them again somewhere or somehow in another place…

Dear mama, can this really be the end?
To be stuck inside the AV Club with Lisa Kudrow again…


At this point though he might want to start spending money to de-age DiCaprio.

"It's the Joker, but he's just a guy who grew up in Little Italy in New York rather than Gotham City and he hangs out in gritty Times Square in the late 70s with sleazebags—oh and there's Rolling Stones songs on the soundtrack and he does a lot of blow…wait, what does the "DC cinematic universe" mean anyways?" -

The Deuce

I don't like Jon Sand. He's coarse and rough and irritating, and he goes everywhere.

He made a lot of enemies though robbing death sticks dealers.

*Goes back to eating enormous sub sandwich and jumbo sized bag of Cheetos*

You mean predictable like when one side is losing a battle and about to be defeated when suddenly another army comes at the last minute and saves them?

2 Siamese 2 Dreams

Corgan is apparently not big enough at this point to play the BB&T Pavillion in Camden with the rest of the 90s rock nostalgia tours.