Tony Macaroni

Honestly every Queen song ever works in some way.

You're My Best Friend

Those were the days!

The Daily Stormer has also set up a .onion address

"Well not in English, do you know Russian?"

Drake 'n Shake

We have a James Franco Gap and if we don't step up our development efforts soon, we will all be speaking Russian.

wtf is VHS lol

"Look doc, I told you I got 99 problems, but bi-polar disorder ain't one."

Yeah, though it's really not moderates and centrists at all who use that term. It's just from the usual right-wing outrage machine.

Thanks Godwin.

I thought that was a new Kid Rock song until you got to the last line.

But we're talkin' about St. Vincent!

"Shitbird" is pretty good.

I agree, but what does this have to do with James Woods…

So if this is about the advent of the internet then who is playing Al Gore?

I have free will, that's why I bought and marinated chicken thighs instead!

Let's hope this is true, I for one can't wait to see the great story of Hannibal and his elephants crossing the Alps to battle the Romans once again.

Canadian ass penny lane is in my couch and in my bum.

35 quadrillion Zimbabwean dollars…