Tony Macaroni

That one guy in the helmet has a sort of Howard Stern Wack Pack/Trailer Park Boys thing going on or something…

He is one of the most yoot-ful looking 55-year-olds in the world though.

That's what the BBC gets for hiring Mr. Skin as a news editor.

Well, that's any pregnancy after age 35, which is about the age probably half of my friends finally decide to have kids.

He's playing 82-dimensional baccarat.

Sigourney Weaver is actually doing the Eddie Murphy/Nutty Professor thing where she plays an entire family.

It's almost like they're the……walking dead?

They've got tenure, they don't give a FUCK.

Deplorably delicious!

Only two groups he'll never criticize on Twitter—white supremacists and Russians. Everyone else is fair game including his own cabinet members and administration.

Kid Baby? He was a great boxer…career ended so young though.

It beats having to make Cheaper By The Dozen 3.

Boy I hope someone got fired for that blunder…

He got a Gameboy.

Well excuuuse me!

Do you get a discount at the tavern for that?

What's up at Casterly Rock? Are Grey Worm and the Unsullied just hanging out eating chili and playing cards while Euron's fleet besieges them?

I'm sure Martin has barely gotten into the long-winded details of the seafood feasts they eat at Dragonstone, that's a good 200 pages right there.

Martin Scorsese to direct a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot

And Dolly Parton as Titian!