Tony Macaroni

Yeah, The Mollusk is fucking great. Honestly though I think Ween never really made an album that good again after that, though White Pepper has it's highlights.

Urinersity of Peeonix.

One of the roadies.

Butterfly filing tort, I can go twice to court.

My WTF moment when I first questioned my love for Star Wars was when I saw that fucking awful new "Jedi Rocks" music-dance sequence they put into Jabba's palace in the Special Edition in lieu of the old sort of funky lounge number that Max Rebo's band played.

The scene of them having to keep the peace among the hundreds of Frey widows would be pretty funny—what a missed opportunity for some hilarity.

She's playing the cynical aunt of Woody's love interest in the film.

-Jeff Sessions

What's this about Kinja?

Sometimes the movie just ends in the middle because it won't play any further due to scratches, but we just make up our own ending. It's called using our imaginations!

Woah, slow down Johnny Depp…

I have the best streaming service, it's called free DVDs at the library. If they don't have a movie, I figure it just wasn't meant to be.

Oh boy, the old divorce concept album. I mean, it might have worked for Bob Dylan, but…

Wu Tang Forever was good for the most part, but it was also a prime example of the bloated nature of late 90s hip hop albums that really slowed down the whole genre for a little bit. Basically that's how the fairly stripped down and simple to the point of dumb Southern rap like No Limit made big inroads that in that

Kinjas are ninjas that know karate, right?

Yeah, I remember a lot of my peers being into a lot of the Fat Wreck Chords and Eptiaph stuff and then there'd be like one guy in high school rocking a mohawk with The Exploited and Crass patches on his studded jean jacket talking about how we were all poseurs and not punk at all.

You got Tanya Roberts' phone number?

It's anyone born from 1982 to 2000

It's like the old boomer relatives on my Facebook feed who post multiple memes about "Back in my day kids spent all day outside chasing june bugs and shootin' bb rifles and not sitting all day on a computer—share if you agree" memes and don't realize the irony that they're sitting on their fucking computer posting on

I think she just wants a dragon at this point so she can burn all her enemies.