Tony Macaroni

It's funny, because my baby boomer mom spends every week now posting a detailed and opinionated recap of Game of Thrones on her social media accounts…though I just hope she realizes it's not real.

In college we had a non-stop queue of downloads for Napster and then Kazaa going 24/7. Eventually we got tired of the long dial-up waits and ending up pooling our resources for what was the highest speed cable modem connection we could get in our little college town at that point. I just remember waking up and

No, it was really the iPod's release in late 2001 that really started the transition away from CD-Rs. Around 1997-2001 was like peak period for CD burning—in the early days of Napster I don't remember that many people having portable MP3 players yet.

If Oldham was just some random guy who covered the Stones with an orchestra it might have been different, but he was the original manager and producer of the Stones in their 60s heydey. But you're right that string section that is the heart of the Verve's song is nowhere to be found in the original Stones version,

"Good job Jon Snow, but I don't think the Children of the Forest would've had all those stink lines."

There's only one thing left for Schon to do………jazz odyssey!

A lot of bands suddenly emerged in that period that were basically pop-punk with horns and a bouncy beat, but they were as far removed from original Jamaican ska and Two Tone stuff as post-grunge rock bands were from The Stooges. I think that the success of ska in 1997 was in part due to the fact that there'd been an

As a teenager in the 90s, I have to say that I don't think Brit Pop was ever that close to that big among American teens of my generation compared to the huge cultural wave it was in the UK or even the niche it might have been among music nerds in their twenties possibly. For me Brit Pop was a thing I might have

it's crazy how much he ages between Dr. No and Diamonds Are Forever even…

It's funny that Connery was 52 when he did Never Say Never Again and only a few years older than Daniel Craig is today(or just a few years older than Brosnan was in his last Bond film), but the idea was that in 1983 he was an almost elderly, way-too-old Bond in the film. Though he did probably look a little more in

Or the low-budget Fantastic Four made in the 90s by Roger Corman.

Well, everyone knows Dan died in the last season of Roseanne. What this reboot presupposes is… maybe he didn't.

That's for the safety of the other movies.

And if he had a better driver than Major General Hobart Gay he might not have died in that accident!

However it's not too soon to make that joke about George S. Patton.

Are you saying we're juvenile delinquent wrecks?

They were pretty dangerous in Jurassic Glam Rock Star.

Maybe this will end up like that time The Verve got sued by The Rolling Stones for using a symphonic version of "The Last Time" in "Bittersweet Symphony" and Marc Bolan will be given full credit for almost the entirety of Baby Driver.

There are no winners when it comes to Jim Belushi.

Jim Belushi cries a single tear.